Moving houses can be an incredibly stressful experience. Whether it's just you, or whether you have a spouse, pets, and or children, there is sure to be a certain amount of upheaval to your normal routine that makes the move feel even more overwhelming than it already does.

That's where Pryority Movers come in.

At Pryority Movers, we are not just a moving company. We are a logistics company. That means that we have specialized expertise in helping to reduce the stress of a house move by streamlining processes, taking over tasks that you don't need to handle yourself, and minimizing the number of cooks in the kitchen. Instead of focusing on wrapping glasses and making sure all the silverware ends up in the same box, you can focus on the big picture things and on tending to your and your family's needs.

Hiring a moving company should be about more than just getting your stuff from point A to point B. That's what we believe, anyway. In fact, our philosophy is that a moving company exists to help make sure that your new place feels like a home as soon as you get there. We help make sure that the right items end up in the right rooms, unpackage things where you'd like them, assemble furniture, and otherwise do what it takes to get your new home livable as quickly as possible.

To make that process as easy as we can, we have developed industry-leading processes that streamline your move from the very beginning. It starts from your first consultation phone call with us, where we will walk you through all of your different options for planning and executing your move. We will develop a unique, custom move plan that is tailored to the needs of you and your household, and will include contingencies for health issues, small children, pets, and other special circumstances that we might need to consider during the move.

If you choose to have our professional movers do some of the packing for you, which is a great way to relieve the stress of moving houses, we will schedule an appointment for our movers to come take care of that. they'll turn up on time and ready to work, will get things done efficiently, and will be out of your hair as soon as possible.

When moving day arrives, we will send a crew with enough members to get the job done quickly and efficiently. They'll have all the equipment that they need, including any specialized equipment for unusual items you have in your home, such as pianos, and They will load everything up safely to transport it to your new home.

Finally, once the crew has arrived at your new home, they will get all of the items quickly and efficiently unloaded, placed into the proper room, and unpacked and set up as planned. If you have any on the spot changes, we are happy to adjust plans accordingly.

Give us a call today at 716-391-3643 to talk through your options for moving.